1. when calling function startMove(), remember to keep the right order一一对应(obj,iTarget,name) 
2. ul{ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }  /*让后面的li设定能够在.big_pic的区域内*/
   li{ list-style: none; }  /*消除所有的li前面的点*/
3.  .big_pic li{ width: 600px; height: 400px; overflow:hidden; position: absolute; background: black; z-index: 0;)
     /*here the overflow:hidden is very important for big_pic display,otherwise, it wil have problem for covering the last pic*/
4. .prev{ width: 60px; height: 60px; background: url(../../images/left.png); position: absolute; z-index: 3001; top: 170px; left: 10px; cursor: pointer;filter: alpha(opacity:0); opacity: 0; }
	/*here background has no no-repeat, compare it with .next background 这里3001比上两个3000高,所以鼠标移入的时候才能够对这小框起作用*/	
	/*cursor: pointer;没有这个的话,那么在这个区域里面鼠标就不是手的形状*/
5.   var oBtnPrev=getClass(oDiv,'prev')[0];   //和下面的getByClass的函数相结合,因为这个函数的返回结果都是数组,但是因为class=‘prev’只有一个,所以这个数组里面只有一个元素,所以这里[0]

6. if we dont put href="javascript:;"insdie the html a code, then we need to put the cursor:pointer inside the CSS code, in order to have the hand shape mouse on the left side pic