IE方式 attachEvent(事件名称, 函数),绑定事件处理函数 detachEvent(事件名称, 函数),解除绑定 DOM方式 addEventListener(事件名称,函数, 捕获) removeEventListener(事件名称, 函数, 捕获) 何时使用事件绑定 绑定事件和this 绑定匿名函数,会无法删除 ============================================== e.g. if we put two in the same position, then it will only show the later one window.onload = function () { alter('a');}; window.onload = function () { alter('b');}; --> it will only alter b <input type="button" id="btn1" value="button"> window.onload = function () { var oBtn = document.getElementById ('btn1'); /* the below two function could not work same time oBtn.onclick = function () { alert('a'); }; oBtn.onclick = function () { alert('b'); }; */ // so we use // IE 7 // /* oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('a');} ); oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('b');} ); // FF Chrome IE 9// oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('a');}, false); oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('b');}, false); */ if ( oBtn.attachEvent) { oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('a');} ); oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('b');} ); } else { oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('a');}, false); oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('b');}, false); } } ====================================== function myAddEvent (obj, ev, fn) { if(obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('on'+ev,fn); } else { obj.addEventListener(ev,fn,false); } } ======================================= attachEvent(事件名称, 函数),绑定事件处理函数 detachEvent(事件名称, 函数),解除绑定 DOM方式 addEventListener(事件名称,函数, 捕获) removeEventListener(事件名称, 函数, 捕获) 何时使用事件绑定 绑定事件和this 绑定匿名函数,会无法删除 ============================================== e.g. if we put two in the same position, then it will only show the later one window.onload = function () { alter('a');}; window.onload = function () { alter('b');}; --> it will only alter b <input type="button" id="btn1" value="button"> window.onload = function () { var oBtn = document.getElementById ('btn1'); /* the below two function could not work same time oBtn.onclick = function () { alert('a'); }; oBtn.onclick = function () { alert('b'); }; */ // so we use // IE 7 // /* oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('a');} ); oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('b');} ); // FF Chrome IE 9// oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('a');}, false); oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('b');}, false); */ if ( oBtn.attachEvent) { oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('a');} ); oBtn.attachEvent('onclick',function () {alert ('b');} ); } else { oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('a');}, false); oBtn.addEventListerner('click',function() {alert ('b');}, false); } } ====================================== function myAddEvent (obj, ev, fn) { if(obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('on'+ev,fn); } else { obj.addEventListener(ev,fn,false); } } ======================================= END