// 1. 定义变量和函数
        const customName = document.getElementById('customname');
        const randomize = document.querySelector('.randomize');
        const story = document.querySelector('.story');
        function randomValueFromArray(array) {
        return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
        // 2. 纯文本字符串
        var insertx=[
        'Willy the Goblin',
        'Big Daddy',
        'Father Christmas'
        var inserty=[
        'the soup kitchen',
        'the White House'
        var insertz=[
        'spontaneously combusted',
        'melted into a puddle on the sidewalk',
        'turned into a slug and crawled away'
        // 3. 事件监听器和未完成的函数定义
        randomize.addEventListener('click', result);
        function result() {
            var name= randomValueFromArray(insertx);
            var place = randomValueFromArray(inserty);
            var status = randomValueFromArray(insertz);
            var inputName ='Bob';
            var weight=600;
            var temperature = 50;
            var temMeter='。C';
            if (customName.value !== '') {
                inputName = customName.value;
            if (document.getElementById("uk").checked) {
                weight = Math.round(300);
                temperature = Math.round(94);
                temMeter = '。F'
            var storyText = ' It was '+temperature+' ' + temMeter +' outside, so '+name+' went for a walk. When they got to
            '+place+', they stared in horror for a few moments, then '+status+'. '+inputName+' saw the whole thing, but was not
            surprised — '+name+' weighs 300 pounds, and it was a hot day.';
            story.textContent =storyText;
            story.style.visibility = 'visible';
        document.getElementById('cn').onclick = () => {
            document.title = '笑话生成器';
            document.getElementById('lbl-customname').textContent = '请输入自定义的名字:';
            document.getElementById('lbl-cn').textContent = '中国';
            document.getElementById('lbl-us').textContent = '美国';
            document.getElementById('lbl-uk').textContent = '英国';
            document.getElementById('customname').placeholder = '李雷';
            document.querySelector('.randomize').textContent = '随机生成笑话';
            document.getElementById('us').onclick =
            document.getElementById('uk').onclick = () => {
            document.title = 'Silly story generator';
            document.getElementById('lbl-customname').textContent = 'Enter custom name:';
            document.getElementById('lbl-cn').textContent = 'CN';
            document.getElementById('lbl-us').textContent = 'US';
            document.getElementById('lbl-uk').textContent = 'UK';
            document.getElementById('customname').placeholder = 'Bob';
            document.querySelector('.randomize').textContent = 'Generate random story';